Saturday, November 25, 2006

Things I am Thankful For:

I am so thankful for Jake and James! I love being a wife and mother (I never thought I would enjoy it but I do!). I am so thankful that I get to spend so much time with Jake and watch him grow. I delight in each new thing he learns. I am glad that I have found a sort of balance for my life. Every morning when I wake up, one of my first thoughts is how thankful I am for James. Maybe because he is the first person I see every morning, or maybe because he is the most important person in my life. I know I would not be who I am not without him. I am glad we found each other when we did. I am thankful for our way of life, the food we eat, the home we live in, the vehicle we drive, etc. I am really content with my life and it is a nice feeling.

I am thankful for my parents. I am glad that they are still happily married and that they are parents I can look to for advice about things. They gave me a wonderful sister, a great childhood, managed my education better than most parents and have made the transition to grandparents seemlessly. I am glad that I live close enough to them where they can share in Jakes life. I just wish the rest of my family were a little closer (geographically speaking).

I was very thankful to get to spend some time with some of my dad's side of the family. This was only the second time we have made the 5 hour (one way) trip to Natchez since Jake's arrival. I am thankful that Kati will be in Starkville after Christmas (even though I do not like MSU). It will be nice to have her only an hour away!

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