Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am still here, just busy busy as usual. I am determined to get better at keeping my blog up to date this year, but it is so daunting as I feel I need to go back and add pictures from the time that has lapsed since my other pictures. I do take lots of pictures still, and I guess that is the knowledge I console myself with when I feel guilty about letting the blog slide. Life has just gotten so busy, however, I do not want Ali to look back at this one day and think that she (or the extra time, effort she requires) is the reason I quit blogging. I think it has more to do with how much easier it is to upload pictures to facebook and the fact that most everyone I know is on there or has access to a family member who is on there so they can see pictures I post. Spring break is a few weeks away and I am almost halfway through my last semester of course work, so after May I should have a little bit more flexibility and free time. Also, Ali turned two yesterday and so she is getting more independent to where I have a little bit more free lap/computer time. We shall see how it goes. My goal is to get the blog caught up by the end of March!