Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Early October trip to Water Valley

This is Jake with James's five year old cousin Emily. Jake was not too happy about having to sit on her lap, as he would rather crawl around and explore. Emily really wanted to hold Jake and I can remember being her age and wanting to hold my cousin Kati. So I always try and accomadate her, but she doesn't have any siblings and is not really good at 'playing' with babies. She get upset because Jake doesn't play these complicated games she comes up with. I had to show her how to play with a baby. I got her to crawl around on the floor and play Jake's version of tag. She knows patty cake, Old McDonald and Jake's favorite--the Itsy Bitsy Spider. I think they both ended up having a good time.
This is Jake and James's Papaw on his porch. Jake is fascinated by eye glasses.
James wanted to go scouting around in the woods to look for signs of deer. Jake and I volunteered to join in the hike as we both love going for walks. It was 90 somthing degrees! We took turns carrying Jake. Jake loved it, but I got eaten alive by something called a deer mite. Jake and James were relatively unscathed. I guess they just like the way I taste.

This is a spring fed pond out it the middle of the woods near James's family's land. His uncle, father and grandfather all own ajoining land in Water Valley where they live. Some of it has been passed down for about five generations now. It is very pretty to walk through and that is where James goes to hunt.

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