Friday, November 10, 2006

Around the house.

Jake 'reads' a book. He quickly bores of such easy reading and moves on to something more his level.
When James was studying for his engineering exam he didn't have as much time to play with Jake as he used to so Jake decided to help him study!
Even though the baby gate no longer bars Jake from entering the kitchen, he still enjoys trying to climb it. He likes to push his larger toys up to what ever he wants to climb... the couch, the chair, the baby gate... and use them as ladders. He is so smart and so strong. I think some of the things he moves around our living room weigh as much as he does. When we moved to Tupelo we 'baby proofed' our living room. We bought these soft ottomans that double as storage containers. They contain things that we don't leave out around Jake, like phone books, picture albums, playing cards, etc. Even though they are heavy (I weighed one a few minutes ago--it was 18 lbs) he can lift and turn them over and push them across the carpet.

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