Monday, June 08, 2009

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I took this picture of them playing together at church. Below is my large cup of strong brewed coffee with milk in it to help keep me awake as Mari did not sleep much (and when she did it was fitful and in the bed with James and I) so James and I were very tired all day.
Below, you can see Mari made up for her lack of nocturnal rest by falling asleep everytime we put her in the car.

While we were waiting on James to change clothes Jake took the opportunity to read some of my books that I had lying around the car. In the second picture he is actually making up words and pointing at the the real words to show me how well he can 'read'. I was explaining to James how good that is for his age from a familiarity with literacy standpoint and James died out laughing and said well of course he is advanced to be reading books like Animal Liberation and Rivals for Power at his age (the books he was 'reading' were both required reading this past semester in my doctoral seminars). I know James was just teasing me, because I take their education so seriously. However, one of the reasons I do not regret having small children while completeing my education is that I feel it is important for them to see how important education is to me and have realistic ideas about how to go about it. Hopefully by exposing them to these things through me it will help them when they set out on their own academic paths.

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