Monday, November 24, 2008

Jake and Mari's Birthday Party!

Mari and Jake wearing the official birthday hat!
I wish you could have heard the sound Mari made when we first but it on her head. It was a confused, but curious little noise as if to say, "Hey what happened to the lights" Jake was more than happy to wear it this year as had an audience to show off in front of! I can't believe how big he is now!
Above, Jake is posing in front of the birthday table. Below you can see Mari trying to eat her way out of it.

Jake and Emily (James' first cousin) play outside while we wait for everyone to get to the party. We just did a family party again, maybe next year we can have a bigger party and invite their "friends." I think it was harder to pull there party off this year than it was last year even though I had only had Mari a week before the party last year. This year I had to turn in a lot of coursework and research the week before the party.
Above Emily helps Jake and Mari unwrap their gifts and Leslie (Emily's mother) reads Mari one of the books she got as a present. James' mother, Ann, is pictured to the left and his sister Cheri to the far right.

Above, Jake blows out his three candles and below Mari is not happy about wearing another birthday hat.

These pictures are of them opeing their presents together with the help of Emily.

Somehow when the pictures got loaded the order got inverted (I load them five at a time, which is the max Blogger will let you do at a time--sometimes it works just right sometimes it is all screwy). But after a solid day of error messages I am just glad Blogger will allow me to post now! These next four pictures are of Jake and Mari eating their cakes. In our family we follow the tradition of letting the baby eat their own cake on their first birthday, but as Jake's reflux was so bad that he couldn't really eat his cake on his birthday and then he is to young to understand why Mari gets to do something and he can't so we decided to let both of them participate this year.

After it was all over and every body went home, Jake and Mari enjoying Jake's new remote control truck.

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