Monday, October 01, 2007

We've finally got 'our' bedroom back!

After the paint dried and James put all the furniture back, Jake and I were allowed back in. Jake was way more excited about this than we expected, as you can see from the little dance he did! We put our bed frame in the attic and just put the mattresses on the floor so that Jake could come crawl into our bed in the middle of the night. If both James and I get out of bed before he wakes up, we can put the pillows on the side and not really worry about him falling out of the bed (it won't hurt him if he does). This was also done in anticipation of the late stages of pregnancy and recovery from childbirth/ c-section as it was very difficult to climb in and out of our big tall bed the last few months of my pregnancy with Jake and I couldn't do it at all for the first month after my c-section (we slept in his room for the first month). It is nice to be back in our room!

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