Sunday, January 07, 2007

Jake at 13.5 months.

Some good pictures of Jake (especially of his eight teeth)!

He is smiling so big that you can actually see down his throat in this picture!

Jake tries to give us a closer look at his teeth. Look at those big blue eyes.

Jake ate a lot of the fruit and gelatin and then proceeded to try and pick up the leftovers and put them back in his little bowl.

Jake in his room.

Super Baby! I love these PJs. The dinosaurs glow in the dark! When Jake's bib gets turned around backward we call him Super Baby. Above he is chewing on a sock (clean of course) from a laundry container we keep his socks and bibs in under his crib. Below, he uses his super human strength to throw the diaper bag around. Of course it isn't that heavy after he has pulled all of the stuff out of it!

At his one year doctor's appointment Jake was 24lbs and 32.5 inches tall! He now wears 24 month or 2T clothes, but 3-5T socks, shoes, hats, and gloves. His height and head size are both in the 97 percentile for his size. His weight is around the 70th percentile. He is tall and slender like his dad and, just like with James, it is hard to find clothes to fit him! Although his height puts him in the 2T category, his weight isn't enough to hold them up all of the time. It really depends on what brand of clothing it is as to whether it will fit him or not! His waist size is closer to the 18 month old range. He can still wear most of his 18 month old clothes from Old Navy and some from J.C. Penny. I think their sizes run longer or something. So I constantly have the problem of having to keep pulling his pants up all day or having to pull them down to keep his legs from showing! I am considering starting to alter the waist in some of his stuff, but where would I find the time?
Jake can speak around 11 real words. He doesn't speak them often as he has invented his own language as you might have seen from the video on my mom's blog. He is very vocal and very entertaining. James and I just sit around and watch him in the evenings as he babbles away. He really likes playing games with us as well. He will run away from us and then wait on us to come get him. He really likes to run away from James and come climb on me as if I am going to save him. He gets really excited about the whole thing and screaches and squeals at us in his made up language! He likes other babies, which might come in really good soon!
As you can tell from videos on my mom's blog and pictures, he has been walking really good since about a week after his birthday. He can also do pretty well with stairs (supervised of course).
He is a very loving baby and gives me the sweetest hugs. It is nice to know that he appreciates my company. I am constantly amazed at how big he is, how fast he is growing and developing and how smart he is. He is really good at figuring things out. Every button has to be pushed, every container dumped out (and refilled). He love electronic things. He constantly makes a dash for the computer which he tries to type on. He also like to pull the camara memory card out of the front of the computer. Our on and off switch is encircled in a blue light and he just loves that!
I am sure that there are many things I am probably leaving off. If I think of anything really important I will edit it in later.

Well I meant to post this a month and a half ago, but as you may have noticed I am backlogged on pictures right now. Our new camara comes with a even larger memory card than our old one but they both work in the new camara. So this past month we have had three hundred million pictures from two different camaras on two huge camara cards so sometimes it gets confusing as to what pictures from when are where. Most of these pictures are now at least a month old, but oh well!


Dave said...

Big kid! Beautiful kid! Always smiling ... They sure are a blessing!

Kelly said...

I went to your mom's page and watched the videos. My 15 month old loved them! I thought she was going to get on top of the computer trying to hug and kiss him. It was very amusing to her! He is so cute! I love the jabbering :)