Sunday, October 26, 2008

The carving of the pumpkins!

James started cutting the tops off and hollowing them out. Mari was very intrigued but a little timid (which is really unlike her). Her curiosity was peaked and she wanted to stick her hand in the pumpkin like James was doing, but you can see from the looks on her face she just isn't too sure what will happen!

Here she touched the edge, but then quickly moved her hand back and zoomed back in her little scooter/walker.

Finally, after a few "fake outs" she sticks her whole hand in (all the way past the elbow).

Mystery of what's inside the pumpkin solved, she puts the lid on it!

Jake puts the unlit candle inside Mari's Jack-O-Lantern.

Jake keeps trying to blow out the lighter while I am trying to light the Jack-O-Lantern, so we let him practice blowing out "birthday candles". Mari was taking pointers from the sidelines.

Jake watches his daddy, before drawing a face (which I cut out for him) on his pumpkin.

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