Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rise and Shine!

I think I have written before that my favorite part of the day (as a mother) is first thing in the morning. Friday morning I took some pictures to illustrate why. Normally Mari wakes up first and then I bring her to bed with me for cuddles and Jake wakes up and walks down anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour later and we all cuddle and just play around on the bed before we head downstairs for breakfast (and coffee for me). I only get to do this on the days I am home with them (not days I go to work) but it is a wonderful stress free way to start the day. Of course not everyday starts off like this, but moments like this are some of the simplest and happiest I will probably ever have.

You can see her TWO bottom teeth. The second one came through on 08-08-08. We refer to it as her "lucky" tooth. So far the only the only luck it has brought her is an increased ability to bite through cardboard and paper. Below you can see her eyes are still very big and blue!

Jake was playing peek-a-boo with the curtains.

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