Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Update on the crib bedding. The small yellow flower and two pink butterflies are part of the mobile I am making. I still have two more butterflies to go. I found the yellow flower center and yellow flower pillow (larger flower) at Toys R Us. The crib sheets are washed and I put them in the crib for now. You can also see the ugly barn red walls in the bedroom. We are painting it Olive Green. We will probably wait until October for that (by we I mean James and I will not be painting-or even home at the time).

This is the diaper organizer that my mom made as well as the crib bumper above and the baby quilt below. I don't know what I would do without her!
We have also decided to start a baby registry online for the few items that we will need:
Our registry number is 57002819 or you can search under James' name, my name or Mari.

I have dreading this week for quite some time now. This week my third baby (babies two and three were miscarriages) was due and because I was planning on attempting a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean) my DR had already asked me to schedule a back up c-section date. We picked September 4th and her words "One way or another you will have this baby by September 4th" have haunted me since I lost the baby at the end of January. Anyway, so I expected this week to be hard. Jake was a rough pregnancy as he was so big and active (8lbs 9.5 oz right at birth, but he was very dehydrated and once they gave him IV fluids he was 9lbs 15 oz. He also had control of his neck when he was born at almost 39 weeks via emergency section after 18 hours of hard labor). His birth was very difficult and I have been trying my best to do everything I can to have a successful VBAC. James and I originally wanted 3-5 kids and if this birth ends up also a c-section then I just don't know what I will do. I can't see myself signing up for a third or fourth c-section. Third maybe, but anyway that is a different post. Because of how things went last time my doctor has nicely waited until today to bring up the scheduling of my c-section. We agreed on the 29th of Nov. if she doesn't come by then, but it still was very hard to do. Also I failed my one hour glucose test today by 40 points. I failed the one hour with Jake by like 5 points and they decided it was probably because of what I ate for breakfast (toast with jelly and a banana) and then I only failed one of the three hour tests (the one hour portion as well) so they made me do the blood sugar monitor 4 times a day for a month which I passed with flying colors (highest reading was 112 after Mexican food and about a gallon of sweet tea) before deciding that I was fine and didn't have gestational diabetes. BUT I only failed the one hour by 5 points with him AND I had eaten a lot of sweet things that time, this time I fasted and failed it by 40 POINTS. UGH. Also I gained around 10 lbs this month bringing my total so far to 31 lbs with Mari (all in the last four months as I didn't start gaining any weight until my second trimester). I have started measuring bigger (three weeks) and if this baby is as big as Jake was then I probably won't get my VBAC. The only good news was my blood pressure was great and I am having a 4D ultrasound next Wednesday in the middle of my three hour test so that I have something to look forward too! James is coming as well and we are both excited about seeing little Miss Mari since our last u/s was at 16 weeks!

Jake is amazing! He is learning things so fast. He is saying his first real (complete) sentence: "I love Daddy!" He is such a Daddy's boy. He has been referring to Mari as the Baboo for a few months now and we have been trying to teach her how to say Mari. He sometimes calls her Maboo so he is getting closer. He gives my belly a big kiss every now and then just to let her know he loves her as well. He is working on all of his colors and animal noises, counting to 20, animal parts (he is confused as to why dogs only have feet and not hand or fingers or toes). He loves to climb me (literally). If I sit or lay down he quickly scales me and sits on my chest on top of Mari (which traps me because he weighs almost 30 lbs) and then kisses me and laughs because he knows I am trapped. Two weeks ago (tomorrow makes two weeks) we agreed to try a stomach acid reducer (Prevacid) with Jake (on a temporary basis) to try and heal his esophagus enough that he can eat more and hopefully this will help the Reflux resolve itself. It has worked very well so far. I was very nervous about putting a child his age on ANY sort of medicine even just for a few weeks and so far we have managed the reflux by diet and conditioning (feeding him even at night, etc). It has been a hard fight and it is nice to see him doing so well with it. He seems to like vegetables after all, it was just a texture thing from the reflux. He goes back in two weeks to see if he has healed enough to wean him off the Prevacid AND because he has been eating better, HE HAS ALMOST BEEN SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! YEAH!

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