Sunday, April 01, 2007

March Madness

March 2nd
James' business trips to Pennsylvania that started January 7th were supposed to end but were extended again. He came home for the weekend.

March 4th
James flew back to PA.

March 8th

International Women's Day
(IWD) is marked on 8 March every year. It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women. Started as a political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries (primarily Russia and the countries of former Soviet bloc).
In some celebrations, the day lost its political flavour, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love to the women around them - somewhat similar to Western Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day mixed together. In others, however, the political and human rights theme as designated by the United Nations runs strong, and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought out and examined in a hopeful manner (blue text taken from Wikipedia).

March 8th also happened to be our 4th Wedding Anniversary. We did not realize that it coincided with International Women's Day until a year or so after. James flew back from PA and his extended business trip finally came to an end! Here are some pics from the archives on our computer!

March 12th
I went for yet another doctors appointment to discuss the blood test results and other findings. My doctor had her baby so I am having to meet with another doctor in her practice. He is the same doctor that handled my miscarriage in January. They do another blood test for comparison. Although my first test was positive for APA it was a low positive.

March 14th
The results of my blood test done on the 12th show another low positive for APA. The doctor decides I am clear to try again and that my next pregnancy will be closely monitored, but I probably not have to take blood thinning treatments. Since both positives were low, and I have a healthy 16 month old, the risks of the treatments outweigh the possible benefits.

March 16th
We close on our house.

March 17th
St Patrick's Day and we begin the moving (and cleaning) process. Jake makes friends with Jafar (sp) one of three cats that live next door. Jafar is a young male cat, but is very patient, loving and friendly. Maybe we won't have to get a pet of our own after all!

March 20th
We have absolutely everything out of our apartment and into our new house.

March 21st
James turns 25! We are now the same age for 4 more months! This makes two years since the day we found out Jake would be joining us, and we discovered that we are once again expecting. I call and schedule a blood test to confirm.

March 22nd
Blood test results are fine. I was only 11 days past ovulation (due to my calculations) and my HCG was 38, my progesterone was 15.8. My progesterone levels seem lower than I remember them being the initial time they checked them with my pregnancy with Jake. My blood work to confirm Jake was done at around 13 days after ovulation (based on later ultrasound dating of him and the range of my HCG results). I remember that my HCG was 95 and my progesterone was somewhere in the upper 20s. I think this baby is perhaps one to two days behind Jake's due date two years prior. Our first ultrasound is scheduled for April 11th, which is the same date two years before that we had our first ultrasound with Jake (another coincidence--I didn't get to pick the appointment date).

March 27th
Another blood test is done.

March 28th
Blood tests are back. My HCG has more than doubled (every 48-72 hours it is supposed to double) to 949. My progesterone dropped slightly to 15.2. They schedule another test for Friday.

March 29th
Jake starts running a fever and not acting his usual self. He has had a few teeth (two molars and one incisor tooth) come in lately and at first I thought that was the problem. After 5 pm his fever raises from around 99 to 101. Too late to take him to the doctor and not serious enough for emergency treatment. He does not sleep more than 45 minutes all night long (in the bed with us all night because he won't let us put him down at all). He also didn't eat or drink well today.

March 30th
It is Friday and after our rough night I decide to take him to the doctor. I have to go in to work for only 2 hours today because of a field trip and then I have to go for another blood test (results back Monday hopefully). I go home get Jake and we go to the doctor again (Jake's first time that day, my second). It turns out he has a really bad throat infection (and three molars coming through). The strep test came back negative but she gave him an antibiotic that would treat strep as well as she is worried about me getting strep at this point in pregnancy. She said it is possible that we caught it too early for the strep test to have picked up on it and it probably didn't help that Jake vomited when the test touched the back of his throat!

March 31st
James starts work on the fence. He gets all of the holes dug and posts leveled and set in concrete. Before long Jake will be a little less free range and a very tired (and growing tireder--only symptom with this pregnancy so far) Mommy can watch his antics from a chair. Jake seemed to be feeling much better today. This is the first night since moving here on the 17th that he has not screamed his way through bath time! I bought him a little duck that swims in the bath to try and cheer him up and it worked. Since we moved Jake has cried every time we try and give him a bath. He doesn't cry when he gets a bath at my mom's (even since the move) so we feel it is connected with the house in some way. We thought he would be excited about having his own bathroom. He would look at all of his bath toys and just cry and cry and cry. I think he thought we were trying to trick him with his toys so we could leave him there (like we sometimes do with a babysitter or at the church nursery). Here he and Daddy build a tall tower in his new room. He really does like building with his blocks. He will stand on his tip toes to add blocks on!


Kate said...

Wow you guys have been busy! Congrats on the new pregnancy, the new house, and your anniversary. March is a good month for you!

Kelly said...

I've been really tired with this pregnancy too. I was never this tired with the others. Maybe it's because I already have 2! Congrats again! I bet it will be nice with a fence in the yard so you can let him run around without having to chase him. Looks like a big house! It will be good for more children!