Friday, March 11, 2011


Well, I realize it has been almost 5 months since I posted. It seems like life just keeps speeding up. The kids and I are officially on Spring Break now, so one of my goals over the next week is to get caught up on here. I realize probably no one checks this anymore. I am grateful that my mom updates hers so frequently so that those family that don't see the kids every week, can stay current with what they are doing and how big they are growing. It is so much easier to upload pictures to Facebook, although the blog has a sense of more permanence and is organized better. I really don't do the blog for other people though. Well, that is misleading, I do it to make a record--that is what logs were intended for--of life as it happens. It started out being about my Teacher Corps experience and when the kids came along it seemed like a good idea to do for them. Once I am through with school and they are a little older and I have more free time, I hope to print this all off and make a scrapbook out of it. So for now, I don't do it for others, but I hope that one day it is something I can pass on to my children and if I am lucky enough, grandchildren. Jake and Mari (hopefully Ali will follow) enjoy seeing pictures of when James and I were there age, so hopefully this will be something for their children to enjoy!

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