Saturday, November 03, 2007

Trunk or Treating and update on Baby Mari!

Jake was a little shy at first, even though he knew all the people giving out candy.

Above, he is tasting his first 'Tootsie Roll', which he instantly recognized as chocolate or 'choc' as he calls it. It was love at first bite!

As you can see, above, he soon got the hang of it!

Despite his new found affection for candy (we never really gave him much before this) he was really excited to see hot dogs and lemonade!

I went to the doctor on Wednesday (Halloween) and Mari is now measuring three weeks ahead of her gestational age, which would put her at about 7.5 lbs with 4 more weeks until we are due. They were planning to do a growth check ultrasound around 38 weeks (two weeks from), but they moved it up to this coming Thursday (at my 37 week appointment). I am hoping it was just a growth spurt and that she will slow down, because she did this before and then slowly worked her way back down to just being one week ahead (over a series of weeks). I think around this stage Jake was 5 weeks ahead, that is why he was predicted to be a 10 lb baby (and was after receiving IV fluids--he was very dehydrated at birth and weighed 8lbs 9.5 oz, after receiving IV fluids (no food, just saline) his weight jumped up to 9lbs 15oz (which is the weight our pediatrician goes by) and he was born a week early. ) So at 36 weeks pregnant, I am dealing with the aches and pains of being 39 weeks pregnant, only without the comfort of knowing that it is almost over. Everything else is great. I don't have group B Strep (which I did with Jake), my blood pressure was 122/68, despite gaining 7 lbs of fluid in one week and I am not passing sugar or protein. I am nervous about next weeks appointment, especially because it is with Dr Otey, he is my least favorite) but still a nice guy. James is going with me for the ultrasound, which we are excited about. We will see what they say next week, and we might have pictures to post from the ultrasound!


Kelly said...

Hope everything goes well at your appt. this week! I look forward to US pics!

Jake is very cute in his costume! That's a neat idea, Trunk or Treat...we've never done that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm glad to see that things are going well!! Sorry you're feeling the aches and pains, though! Maybe we'll be hearing a great birth story soon!! Talk to you later,