Thursday, January 01, 2009

Christmas Part I: The Carr-Hunt Families

As soon as we go there Jake wanted to open presents and he didn't want to eat or wait on John and Cheri to get there!

James' aunt Yvonne lets Mari play with her Christmas tree.

Here Jake and Mari are opening there first of many Christmas presents. Mari is playing with her Baby Alive. She is fascintated by the open shut movement of her eyes!

The Saturday before Christmas we drove to Adamsville, TN to James' Aunt Yvonne (his dad's older sister) and Uncle Don's (Hunt) house. There we had Christmas with James' Carr and Hunt aunts, uncles and cousins. James' parents Ann and Larry were there and James' sister Cheri and brother John, and of course his aunt Yvonne and Uncle Don (as it was their house) and their sons and their families: cousin Kevin and his girlfriend Jen and her daughter Lauren (age 8-pictured above), cousin Kris and his wife Christy and their sons Hadyn (who is four on New Years Day) and Cayson who was born April 9th (also Cheri's birthday) of 2007, James' Uncle Phillip (his dad's younger brother) and Aunt Leslie and their daughter Emily (age 8-who is the only one I did not manage to get a good picture of-although she is in the background of the car pictures in the blog post directly below).

Here Leslie (James' aunt) is holding Mari while Larry (James' dad) makes faces at her.

Mari and Cayson fighting over a green balloon (closely supervised of course).

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