Monday, April 21, 2008

Our long day at the Memphis Zoo

Last Saturday we went to Southaven to visit James's sister, Cheri, and brother, John and John's girlfriend Angela. While there we went to the zoo with John and Cheri (Angela flew in later that evening). We had a great time but when we got home we were all worn out and spent Sunday recovering! This is the longest trip we have taken with Mari. The camera setting got nudged in the camera bag and we didn't realize it was on black and white for quite some time. We still got some cute pictures though!

Mari was grabbing at James' face and giggling.

Jake was very proud of his hat and was holding it on at the slightest hint of a breeze.

As you can see we ended up carrying both kids and pushing the stroller.

The first and last time Jake went to the zoo he was 10 months old and his two favorite things were this exit sign and the elephants. As you can see Mari did not particularly care for the exit sign.

Halfway through the trip Mari finally decided she would ride in the stroller. She took a few catnaps and played with her toys.

Above is Jake on James's shoulders, John and Cheri and Mari in the stroller (although you can't see her). They are standing in front of the Panda but you can't see it either.

Jake's first ride on a carousel. He looked nervous the entire time!

After his carousel ride he was so excited he just had to wake up Mari and tell her about it!

While Jake and Cheri look at the Polar bear swimming, Mari checks out her lightening bug toy.

While looking at some monkeys, Jake kept yelling "Hey Monkey!, Hi!"

It was a lot of fun and we plan on going back this fall/winter when Mari can enjoy it better. No one got sunburned this time either so that was a plus. All in all we were there for around 5 hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've had a really good day out at the zoo. Good to see Connor and Jake getting along fine. I enjoyed reading your friend's blogspot when she was in Japan. I hope it is not too hot for you when you visit us in the summer!! Love Granny