Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Pictures from the Fourth of July

If you are drinking something Jake wants to "help". Here he is "helping" my dad drink a Dr Pepper. Incidently he occasionaly insists on helping me brush my teeth, put in my contacts, make coffee, etc. When the teething starts to get intense the poor thing does NOT want to be put down, so I have to hold him while I do everything unless he is taking a nap. Also since teething he no longer sleeps through the night.
Jake loved the Fulton fire works. We went to the Coffee House to watch them with my parents and a lot of my former students.

Jake likes his hands and feet, but he still isn't too sure about bananas.

James, Jake and I took a nap at my parents house. Don't worry Meredith, after the picture I laid back down so that Jake couldn't fall out of the bed.
More pictures of Jake enjoying the fountain.

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