Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Baby Blues

While yes, I could be talking about the uncomfortable side effects of pregnancy (of which there are many), I am actually referring to the ultrasound we had done yesterday which confirmed that we are having a boy! James William Carr seems to be very healthy and mobile (he kept kicking me during the ultrasound--I think maybe because the technician was pushing in on him with the sensor). In a way it was nice to see him kicking me, because now I know it is not my imagination. James and I have also noticed that when we listen to his heart beat we either don't hear it because he is moving around or we always hear it in the same place. With the heart monitor that we have you hear the baby's heart better from the area where his back is. That lead us to suspect that he has a favorite position that he likes to sleep or lie in. The ultrasound confirmed our theory and it turns out his head is right underneath my belly button, his back is to my left of my belly button with his legs kicking the right side of me. He is big for his gestational age and so they have moved my due date up to November 21st. Because my weight gain has been normal, the doctor suspects that the baby is growing large due to genetics, not overfeeding. So it looks as if we are going to have a traditional Carr sized baby--BIG! He said that we will probably have a fourth ultrasound later on to determine his growth and that inducement might be a possibility if he looks like he is going to be over a certain weight. I guess that we shouldn't be too surprised as neither James nor I are exactly what you would call short (I am 5'9", he is 6'4"). Although I was a little under seven pounds when I was born (24 years ago today), James was over eight and only one baby in their entire family was under eight and that is because he was sick (James's brother was a few ounces under eight lbs). The other interesting thing is that the baby is in the breach position (like Carrie and Mum and Gran) and the doctor said that if he doesn't turn and we can't convince him to turn by doing these little exercises than the doctor wants to perform a cesarean (I was born on Caesar's birth day, but not by a cesarean section). Inducing labor to keep the baby a deliverable size sounds fine by me, but I really do not want a c-section. The doctors says that it would be too risky to try and deliver my first child in the breach position, if it wasn't a first baby he would be okay with it. I am hoping that the baby will turn. We still have about 15 weeks before we have to start worrying about that. I don't think that I would like to stand on my head for 9 months, so I think it is only natural that the baby doesn't want to either. However, as fast as he is growing I do hope that he will turn into the head down position eventually. Hopefully, with some help from my mother, I will get some of the still shots from the ultrasound uploaded shortly.


Anonymous said...

I'm delighted that you have shared your news and not kept it a big secret. Needless to say I'm pleased you are having a boy but as long as all is well it doesn't really matter this time round !!!
It is early days , as you say, to worry about the position. He may wait and turn at the last minute.
Now a days I don't thing one would be expected to deliver an assisted breach naturally - for the sake of the baby- that is in Scotland.
From today he really becomes a little person with a name, an identity of his own.
I'm glad you had a good birthday.
Love Granny ( all chuffed)

Anonymous said...

Great News! Boys are fun but a real challenge to motherhood. I am so thankful all looks well. I too hope he turns. Your uncle James was breach, my first, 36 hours labor, and I had INSISTED on having natural childbirth. Go the C-section if necessary. I though having grandchildren was exciting. This is even greater! Papa will be glad to hear the news. he is at hospital in sleep lab for tonight. they think he may have sleep apnea. I retreive him up 6:00 A.M. tomorrow, so will great him with the news. Love you much, and pray that all continues to go well. Granny

Anonymous said...

sounds like you are obsessed with your husband. gross. get a life of your own.

Isla said...

I have a very wonderful life--one that does not involve making anonymous comments on someone's blog that I do not know. Part of marriage is sharing your life with someone. "Getting a life of my own" would entirely negate the whole purpose of marriage as I see it. Finding someone to share your life with is a wonderful thing. I am sorry that you are bothered by my happiness, perhaps you should not read my blog if you find it offensive. If you continue reading you will only discover that I am also "obsessed" with my child and my family, my career, and finding my place in this world. Perhaps one day you will discover love and happiness strong enough to gross someone else out.