Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day

Jake loves helping me cook and is always begging me to let him cut the veggies, which of course I do not allow him to do. I thought it would be fun to let him make banana pudding and let him cut the banana's with a butter knife. Jake assisted in making two banana puddings (one for James' mom in Water Valley on Saturday and one for me and my mom on Sunday). I took a picture of him at every stage of the process as he was so proud. The desert was very good and it was so much fun to make it with him!
Above cutting the bananas and below stirring the pudding.

These two some how got out of order as the bottom one should go first, but they are Jake assembling the first layer of wafers and banana slices. He wanted to line them all up in straight even rows. It was perhaps the most orderly banana pudding ever made.
Rather than bore you with the repetition of the layers I skipped the second layering shots and here he his posing with the finished product!
Such a cheesy smile!
Mari and her Daddy enjoying the left over pudding.
Jake lined up the left over wafers into four rows: one for Mama, one for Daddy, one for Mari and one for Jake (well so he said, but then he ate them all himself).

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