Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny left their baskets by the door as bunnies are sneaky and don't like much noise (this totally got Jake to be quiet for at least five minutes every time I said it).

This was Mari's first real interactive Easter as she was only 4 months old last Easter. She loves balloons and so we ge them for every holiday.

Jake was happy to see "Lightening McQueen" and many of his Disney Car favorite characters in his Easter basket along with a chocolate bunny.

This was Mari's first chocolate bunny (first realy chocolate as well) and she knew exactly what to do with it! She couldn't even wait to let us take off the plastic wrap!

As you can see both kids enjoyed the morning (and the chocolate for breakfast) and despite the sugar high we all managed to make it to church in time for the egg hunt.

These are from our church Easter Egg hunt.

James and Jake above and Mari and Lucy Gratz are playing on the play equipment oblivious to the egg hunt going on around them.

Jake checking out his eggs.

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