Sunday, September 28, 2008

A lazy Sunday afternoon...

While getting ready for church this morning Jake had a meltdown. He had hurt his lip previously and while playing around in the bathtub he somehow reopened it and was very upset and dramatic. So, seeing as how I had to teach Sunday school and when Jake gets like this the best thing to do is to not push him- I went to church by myself. When I came home everybody was in a better mood and we ate lunch and then went to visit the new Barnes & Noble and their new Starbucks. We had a nice time and we ran into one of my friends from the Honors College (Trey Hankins) and a family from church (Sallie Kate Ray and her children) and one half of the former Two Tone Cafe who is now working at Starbucks. James' found a book he is supposed to read for work and Jake got to play with their Thomas train table in the children's section. Then we went home and played outside. Jake and Mari had fun splashing around in the wading pool and then we went inside where Mari is taking a nap on James while he watches TV and Jake is upstairs with me playing in his room. I think we all had fun!
The kids did not have clothing on so I crudely edited the pictures to keep them decent! I don't want naked pictures of them floating around the internet!

Although you can't tell in this picture, Mari got her third tooth on 9/25! It is her top right (her right, our left) tooth and three other top teeth are just under the skin about to come through any day! Her sleep patterns have been all off and I am hoping this is why!

Jake has really amped up his vocabulary. He is still such a little parrot! This weekend he was overheard saying "Mari, That is really not necessary" when she wouldn't stop crying in the car. He says "Hey Baby" to me and "Oh My Goodness!" in place of the much overused "Oh WOW". He has also been known to say, "Stay right here, I will be right back" and "Sit down now Mama" when he wants me to stop what I am doing and pay attention to him. Earlier in the week I heard him say, "Not now Mari, I'm busy." Just a few moments ago I heard him singing "Jesus Loves Me" in the hallway, so he must be learning something in Cherub Choir on Wednesday nights!

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