Thursday, July 17, 2008

Early in the morning of July 16, 2008

Mari in her room. Some of the toys should look familiar. I hope Gran is happy to see the dinosaur/dragon toy survived Jake and is enjoying a long life! Mari seems to enjoy having her own room and she slept through the night for the first time last night! I hope it is not a fluke! As glad as I was to get a good nights sleep, I am a little sad that she won't be my baby much longer!

Mari crawling towards me.

She was happy to see me!

I tried to get her to show her new tooth to the camera (She got her first tooth yesterday evening-July 15), but to no avail! I did get some cute pictures of her chewing on a teething ring though!

At first I thought she was offering it to me, but when you see the look on her face (below) while she was doing it- she might have been hitting me with it.

Big blue determined eyes!

Below you can see how she loops her tongue through it. She loves sticking her tongue out. I call her my baby giraffe when she does it.

Jake slept in and was disappointed that we were already up and playing. Most of the time Mari and I cuddle or play in mine and James' bed until he wakes in and comes in to join us.

Mari came crawling over to cheer him up and between her excitement to see him and a promise of toast, he was cheery again in no time!

Mari practices singing while waiting on her breakfast!

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