Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Bedtime Blues...

Mama, Why are you always dressing me and undressing me and then dressing me again.
Why do I have to wear pajamas anyway? I am not going to bed! I am going to climb Daddy!

Daddy plays with me. He is fun. He doesn't understand why people have to wear clothes to bed either. (James managed to take this picture of all three of us, I guess that is one advantage to being tall and having long arms)

I will just climb and play with Daddy all night long.

Hold on a minute!

Why can't babies have hot chocolate? I went on the walk in the cold weather too!

Just a little bit. Come on I won't tell Mama!

Please Daddy! I don't think the pediatrician will care! I am a big baby, caffeine won't hurt me.

Oh, I can't believe you drank it all without sharing it with me! How could you? I thought we were friends?

Well, what else do we have to drink around here?

I guess I will take my bottle, BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN I AM GOING TO BED!

END NOTES: I apologize for the mess in the background. We had just gotten back from a walk. We don't get a chance to straighten up until Jake actually goes to bed. I don't think it looks this bad when people come over, so don't be afraid to come visit me based on these pictures. One day National Geographic is going to come do a story on a unique phenomenom that happens at our house called toy migration. No matter how many times I put Jake's toys in his toy box in his room, within seconds they creep back out and spread across the confines of our house. Occasionally they even spill over into my car. Those silly toys!

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