Monday, January 30, 2006

Pictures from last weekend!

On a typical morning James gets up at 5:15 (Jake and I are usually still up from our 4ish feeding). James takes a shower and gets dressed and then takes over on Daddy Duty (Jake likes being held at all times!). I get completely ready to go by 6:30. James helps me carry down all of my stuff for work and Jake in one trip (Jake hates being strapped in the car seat unless we are actually moving). Then Jake and I leave to meet Momma at the parking lot at school and James goes back to finish getting ready and leaves for work by around 7:00 (I have to be at work by 7:15). Well as Jake is normally well fed by the time James takes over in the morning, their favorite morning time activity is a 20-45 minute nap together while I get ready, as evidenced by this photo. The quilt (all you can really see in this picture is the back of it) is one Momma made me out of pieces of dresses I wore as a little girl. It is Jakes favorite quilt, even though it is way to big for him. I left him with James one evening so I could go to the grocery store, when I came back James had Jake swaddled in it (he had all the excess just sort of piled up on top). James claimed that it was the only thing that would comfort him, and I didn't really believe him at first, but Jake really does seem to have a preference for this particular quilt. We don't know why, but we are starting to realize that there is a lot we don't know and much more that doesn't make sense. Ahh, the joys of parenthood!

In this group of pictures he looks so angelic you would think we drugged him! These were taken right after we got back from his first Sunday at church (last weekend). It was raining outside so we didn't get any good ones of him at the church (maybe next time). I don't know if he was just acting the part, because all of the ladies at church (including the nursery attendents) made such a big fuss over him, however, he behaved beautifully the whole time! I think it is funny that even though I have a degree in Journalism, my mechanical engineering husband takes most of the pictures (the better pictures anyway, he would have me add). Once again, everyone at church went on and on about how much he looks like James. I think this is funny because right now James is sporting a full beard and mustache so you really can't see all of his facial features that clearly, but yet perfect strangers still think he looks like James! I think he looks like James, but also a lot like Carrie, which is nice. I have been a little annoyed that he is so different than me, I guess because I had to go through so much trouble to get him and he is so cute that it would be nice (and selfish) to see a little bit of me in him. I remember when I was pregnant thinking about how nice it would be if he looked like James and had at least something about him that reminded us of Carrie, like her eyes. So far it looks like he has her eyes, her hair color, and her birthmarks. It is strange to think that every part of our body once existed as part of someone else. Some things are obvious like when you can see that you have your grandmother's eyes or you mother's hand for instance. I often take it further and wonder who I got my legs from, and some of the less obvious traits that I inherited.
This is one of the closest pictures I have been able to take of him smiling. My mom has had more success. Isn't he just so cute! Now you know why I haven't been able to e-mail any of you back (or make any calls). I spend all of my time staring at him and holding him (and feeding him and changing him), I just don't want to do anything else!
I love this picture. Jake likes to pinch people, especially when he is upset. In this picture it looks almost as if he is warning me that he will pinch me if I don't quit taking all these pictures. He knows the difference between our faces without the camera and our faces with the camera held in place to take a picture and we have real trouble getting him to look at us, smile, etc. when we have the camera!

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