James and Mari attempt to wake Jake up so that James can wish him "Happy Birthday" before going to work today. We are supposed to meet James at lunch time for a birthday lunch. We are going to let Jake decide where so it will probably be McDonalds (chicken nuggets). I will edit in a picture of that later.

So as of 4:30 this afternoon, I will be the mother of a three-year-old. I can't believe it! He is so big and smart these days. He has been heard quite a few times saying "No Mama, your silly, that is not right." The scary part is a few times he has been right! He speaks vry clearly now, but on the off chance he says something I don't understand he will so "Jake no say that, say this" and repeat what he is trying to tell me. This holiday season is very exciting for he and I as he remembers his birthday last year and Thanksgiving and Christmas as well. He is able to anticipate things with excitement and tell Mari all about it. He has picked up on the many nicknames Jame and I throw their way and occasionally addressed Mari as Miss Mari, Monkey Foo Foo and Mari Moo. He will even "correct me" if I call him Jake, he will say "No Jake Mamma, Jakey Poo and Mari Moo". He is still trying to insist that I have "two babies" but I keep telling him that Mari is growing up and so I don't have any little babies anymore, just two big kids! He isn't buying it yet, but hopefully it will work soon. He really enjoys Sunday School and
Mothers Day Out (at St Lukes). He has a bunch of little friends there (most of them girls) and looks forward to going the one or two mornings he and Mari go. I am still amazed at his memory and he is quite literal. Sometimes he will hear James and I discussing something and he will tell us no, and set us straight. He did this to my dad a few weeks ago when I went to pick them up. My dad was saying that Jake hadn't had any candy (because he didn't realize Jake had) and Jake said, No Papoo, Yes candy, ate M&Ms (or MNMs as Jake calls them)." He has so many interesting ideas about things and we never know what he will say next that will have us thinking or laughing. Jake got a set of tools for his birthday and I was telling him that they are just like Daddy's and he replied "No Daddy's are metal". He wasn't upset, he was just stating a fact. He is so funny!