Thursday, October 25, 2012

A cold day in October...

  Long overdue update on us. In May I finished my coursework, and last week I finished my written comprehensive examinations. I am not sure how I did, and will not know for probably a few more weeks. The good
news is, even if I failed one of the three sections, I will only have to repeat that section and “worst case scenario”(which is my way of coming to terms with the worst reality so that I don't worry as much), if I failed a portion, I doubt it would be all three parts. If and when I receive notification that I passed, I will meet with graders to learn of their comments and criticisms of my answers and schedule my orals. I have never known anyone to fail their orals in my program as they would not have passed you through writtens if they did not feel you could address their concerns in the oral examination. After orals, I will finish working on my dissertation proposal, which I am hoping won't take too long as I have spent quite of bit of time on it already. After submitting and defending my proposal, I will begin applying for jobs and finishing my dissertation. If everything goes smoothly (like it rarely does), I should graduate by December 2013. My program does not do a summer graduation, and there is a chance I could finish by May, but I am not sure if I will be able to defend by the cut-off for a May graduation. I am taking this week off of school work, as I am adjusting to teaching a night class intensive semester and trying to get caught up at work on research for this grant I am working on and have to get some things sent in by the end of this week for it. Also, my house is a mess, I am still going through kids clothes to see what they have outgrown and still need for colder weather, and I need to cook and freeze some meals to get us through the next few months as my freezer is getting bare! So much to do, but it is nice to have a change of pace where I actually feel I have time/energy to address these back burner things that have been worrying me from the perimeter.
        I think I am one of those parents that is guilty of saying whatever stage his/her kids are at is “my favorite stage”, but seriously, this is my favorite stage:) James is adjusting well to first grade. He has a really good teacher and seems to enjoy her class. He is very creative, and very sensitive—even though it is not always apparent that something upsets him. I love my conversations with him and listening to his opinions and gaining insight into how he sees the world. He is still in speech and language therapy, and I am starting to worry that his forgetfulness/inattention to detail will cause problems with his school work. He forgot to bring home his binder last night, at least once a week he forgets his homework, or the book he is supposed to read, etc. I am struggling to determine the best way to deal with this and his teacher has been supportive in trying to help him remember, etc. He is growing so tall and skinny. He can stand on his tiptoes and almost put both hands together behind my neck to hug me (and I am 5'7”). Even when I buy the slim fit pants, I have to buy the adjustable waist ones and adjust the down almost as small as they go. I recently discovered that he and I share a love for mint chocolate, which is honestly one of the first things we have in common! The girls do not like it, and I have long known their father does not like it and for that reason it is not often found in our house. I look forward to finding more ways to connect with him as I gain insight to him. He is the least like me personality-wise, and I
have the hardest time relating to him and understanding him. He and I are first/oldest children, but even there, we don't share many common personality traits. I love all three of them the same, and he seems to know how much I love him, although sometimes I worry the most about him feeling loved by me as communicating this to him is the hardest for both of us.
        Marion is still the child I see the most of me in, although she most definitly is no one but Mari! She and I have interesting conversations, because generally I not only understand how she arrived at that conclusion, but remember having similar conclusions as hers when I was her age. She is fiercely loyal and has a huge heart for others, but she also gets bored easily and when she is bored, she stirs up trouble. Her daddy and I often note that she is our hardest worker and seems to be blessed/cursed with my insatiable drive and need to be busy doing something, but Miss Marion is either working for you or against you, so our biggest parenting challenge with her is keeping her busy working for good and keeping her as far away from boredom/badness as possible. Apart from that, and her attitude, she is the easiest for me to understand and relate to. If anything though, perhaps, I put more on her than I do the other two. She does not always seem to happy with her place as middle child, which I worry about as well, although she loves her big brother and little sister fiercely! I remember four was a rough age for Jake as well, and I am hoping some of the fussiness and whining that goes along with this
stage will let up as she matures a little more over the next year.
        Alice is very happy in her role as baby of the family and as determined not to grow up as I am to keep her little as long as possible! While she often cries about not being old enough to take dance classes or play soccer, etc, she does not seem to find much benefit in not being a baby if she doesn't get all the “big kid” benefits. So far, there is no harm in this, and I am enjoying all the warm, snugly, baby  moments she can still give me. She does seem to be benefiting from language therapy, and, like her big brother, I suspect she might be left-handed. She is so quiet and sneaky that she often gets into trouble without us even realizing she is up to something. With Jake and Mari, we knew to worry (and still do) when they got suspiciously quiet, Ali is almost always quiet. James says she is always operating in stealth mode. She reminds me the most of Carrie and watching her and Mari playing together often reminds me of Carrie and I playing together. Ali was trying to “Shh” Mari the other day, and I told James about one of Carrie's first sayings was to tell me “You be shush”. She is more like her brother than her sister, personality wise, and looks-wise is the child who I think looks the most like me and my side of the family. All three of them are good mixes though, even Jake is finally starting to look like us!
        One of the reasons I have not posted in so long, apart from being so busy, is that it is a bit intimidating to try and get caught up on pictures. I made this video to reflect the two years that I have neglected to post to try and get caught up without inundating me with to much extra work and anyone still reading this with tons upon tons of picture update posts! I have missed blogging, but teaching online courses sort of takes the fun out of getting on the internet to do anything fun and it was all I could do some months to do fun things with my children and remember to take pictures in the process, much less get them uploaded and posted!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am still here, just busy busy as usual. I am determined to get better at keeping my blog up to date this year, but it is so daunting as I feel I need to go back and add pictures from the time that has lapsed since my other pictures. I do take lots of pictures still, and I guess that is the knowledge I console myself with when I feel guilty about letting the blog slide. Life has just gotten so busy, however, I do not want Ali to look back at this one day and think that she (or the extra time, effort she requires) is the reason I quit blogging. I think it has more to do with how much easier it is to upload pictures to facebook and the fact that most everyone I know is on there or has access to a family member who is on there so they can see pictures I post. Spring break is a few weeks away and I am almost halfway through my last semester of course work, so after May I should have a little bit more flexibility and free time. Also, Ali turned two yesterday and so she is getting more independent to where I have a little bit more free lap/computer time. We shall see how it goes. My goal is to get the blog caught up by the end of March!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Outdoors in October!

The kids love playing outside. Swinging seems to be the group favorite! Below, Jake is being a sweet big brother and pushing Ali in her swing. Jake and Ali have a very special relationship. They seem to get along the best, at this stage anyway. Not that Mari does not have a good relationship with them. They really all three play well together and get along well. At this age, Mari prefers to play with me more than her siblings though. They grow and change so fast, so I am enjoying that while it lasts as tomorrow it might be a completely different dynamic!

The yard and house in October.

Rub a dub dub...

...three babies in the tub. We don't normally bathe them all together, but on this occasion they were being rinsed off from eating something or other (can't remember now) and they all love bath time. Normally we put Ali in first, then add Mari and let them play together before bathing her, then we get Ali out and let Mari play while I get Ali ready for bed (James actually bathes them, wonderful father that he is:) and then Jake goes in by himself and bathes himself (heavily supervised as he likes to forget he has to wash his hair). Jake is perfectly capable of bathing, drying himself off and dressing himself for bed. Mari can do everything but bathe herself, but she is close. They both can brush their teeth (although I do it after they are done, to make sure it is done correctly). It is amazing how fast they grow up! Now if I can teach them to do housework...

Ali at 7 months!

Here is Ali modeling her hat from Mrs. McNearny and some shirts Uncle Robert, Anne-Marie, Marianne and Shona sent her. Such a happy baby!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Well, I realize it has been almost 5 months since I posted. It seems like life just keeps speeding up. The kids and I are officially on Spring Break now, so one of my goals over the next week is to get caught up on here. I realize probably no one checks this anymore. I am grateful that my mom updates hers so frequently so that those family that don't see the kids every week, can stay current with what they are doing and how big they are growing. It is so much easier to upload pictures to Facebook, although the blog has a sense of more permanence and is organized better. I really don't do the blog for other people though. Well, that is misleading, I do it to make a record--that is what logs were intended for--of life as it happens. It started out being about my Teacher Corps experience and when the kids came along it seemed like a good idea to do for them. Once I am through with school and they are a little older and I have more free time, I hope to print this all off and make a scrapbook out of it. So for now, I don't do it for others, but I hope that one day it is something I can pass on to my children and if I am lucky enough, grandchildren. Jake and Mari (hopefully Ali will follow) enjoy seeing pictures of when James and I were there age, so hopefully this will be something for their children to enjoy!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

7 months old!

Today marks 7 months since Ali's birth! I can't believe how fast it is going by. She is growing up so fast. The pictures I am posting were taken this morning (after breakfast that is why she is between outfits she got food all over the first one). I have been trying to catch a certain face she makes when she is laughing for over a week now and I finally got it here. Of course, she would have to not be wearing clothes when I finally catch it, but it is one of those things I never want to forget about her time as a baby, so here it is for the sake of posterity.

Here she is playing with a teething rattle that was mine as baby (Mari also played with it). Still no teeth, if she is like her siblings her first one will appear a day or two before she turns 8 months old. Her eyes are still blue with some yellow in them like mine and Mari's and her hair is the same color Mari's is at the roots.

Sleeping arrangements

Mari still comes and gets in bed with us every morning sometime between 1-4 a.m. Ali sleeps in her crib from about 10-10:30 until between 1-3 a.m. I took this picture a few nights ago, because it is just too funny some of the things Mari brings to our bed with her. Once or twice James has sent her back to her room to get a different toy because the one she brought was too noisy or too big. Jake still occasionally shows up for cuddles shortly before 6, but most mornings he would prefer to sleep in.


Jake started 4-year-old soccer this last week. In these first group of pictures their uniforms weren't in yet. I thought the first picture is funny, because neither one of them were excited about having their picture taken. I can't believe they are at that stage already.

These two pictures are from his second game. He is wearing his uniform in them.

Helping James study.

James is studying around the clock 7 days a week for his engineering licensing exam at the end of October. He studies at the breakfast table before leaving for work, at lunch on his lunch break, after dinner upon arriving home and then again once the kids are in bed. Here is Mari studying her math like her Daddy one morning,
She also commandeered one of his scratch sheets of paper, decorated and displayed it on the fridge.

If you look closely at the picture below, you can see where she got into his notebook and "helped" him work a problem with orange crayon.

She helps him most mornings, but sometimes Ali gets to help him too (like when I have to go to the restroom).Here is Ali helping her Daddy study.

Four years ago, Jake was the one helping his Daddy study for his Fundamentals of Engineering exam (the FE is the first test in a two test series, the one he is taking now--the Principles of Engineering or PE, must be taken after working under a licensed engineer for 4 years and passing the FE, which he did). Hopefully, he will pass the first time (like last time) despite all the help the kids and I manage to give him.

Up, up and away!

Ali has been crawling for a while now, but I have been in sort of denial about it. However, on the 14th of September (exactly 6.5 months old) she pulled up to standing all by herself. Ever since, she has been all over the place!

We have had to start using the baby gates again to try and keep Ali safe (and me sane). She loves trying to climb them already.
Ali doesn't spend much time in the crib, but I took these picture of her pulling herself up in it before we lowered it.

Above, Ali is blowing rasberries on her arm while admiring herself in the mirror on her toy jumper.

She is such a happy girl! I love her big gummy smile.